Religious art

Devotional sculpture


From the 17th century onwards, God was frequently represented with sculptures of the Infant Jesus.

He is represented in two ways: Infant Jesus of Glory and Infant Jesus of Passion. Infant Jesus of Glory was represented with a halo or potencias.

Infant Jesus of Passion is represented with objects that were used in the death of Jesus such as the cross and the crown of thorns.

Cross and the crown of thorns
Cross and the crown of thorns

Halo es un círculo de luz sobre la cabeza


Potencias son 3 rayos de luz sobre la cabeza


Juan Martínez Montañés was an Andalusian sculptor who made religious sculptures, such as some of the Easter floats

He made an Infant Jesus for the Sacramental Brotherhood of the Sagrario in Seville. Martínez Montañés created a model based on this sculpture. This model was imitated by many sculptors in Andalusia.

A Brotherhood is a religious organisation.

Some of the sculptures in this room are from the school of Martínez Montañés. The main sculpture in the room is known as The Great. In this sculpture Jesus is standing in the contraposto position. In the contraposto position, the person is leaning on 1 leg to give a sense of motio


The representations are very different. There are children's themes that were not common at the time. The Infant Jesus of the Thorn is an Infant Jesus of Passion. The Infant Jesus of Nazareth is also an Infant Jesus of Passion.

It is thought that the Infant Jesus of Nazareth leading the Christian soul was made by Cristóbal Ramos. The nuns in the convents prayed to the Infant Jesus of the Cradle. These sculptures are made of wax, wood or embroidered silk. Infant Jesus the Good Shepherd represents a country scene.

In the room there are also sculptures of the Infant Saint John the Baptist. Saint John the Baptist was the cousin of Jesus. St. John the Baptist is represented in 2 ways: as a child and as an adult. As a child he represents the playmate of the Infant Jesus. As an adult he is represented as a preacher.

Infant Jesus the Good Shepherd
Infant Jesus the Good Shepherd

A preacher is a person who tells what God says

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